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PHP Built-in Server Controller

This extension will start and stop the PHP built-in web server before and after the tests run.


The extension can be configured with the following parameters:

  • required
    • docroot - the document root to use for the PHP Built-in server; it can be either an absolute path or a path relative to the Codeception root directory. Note the lowercase r in the parameter name.
  • optional
    • suites - an array of Codeception suites to run the server for; if not set the server will be started for all the suites.
    • port - the port to use for the PHP Built-in server, if not set the server will use port 2389.
    • workers - the number of workers to use for the PHP Built-in server, if not set the server will use 5 workers. This is the equivalent of the PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable.

Note: if you run PHP built-in server on Windows, the workers parameter will be ignored and the server will always run with a single worker. This limit is not present in WSL.

Configuration Examples

Example configuration starting the server for all suites:

    - "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Extension\\BuiltInServerController"
      docroot: /var/www/html
      workers: 5

The extension can access environment variables defined in the tests configuration file:

    - "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Extension\\BuiltInServerController"
        - EndToEnd
        - WebApp
      docroot: '%WORDPRESS_ROOT_DIR%'
      port: '%BUILT_IN_SERVER_PORT%'
      workers: '%BUILT_IN_SERVER_WORKERS%'

This is a service extension

This is a service extension that will be started and stopped by the dev:start and dev:stop commands.