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This is the documentation for version 3 of the project. The current version is version 4 and the documentation can be found here.

WPLoader module

This module should be used in integration tests, see levels of testing for more information, to bootstrap WordPress code in the context of the tests.
Setting the loadOnly parameter to true the module can be additionally used in acceptance and functional tests to access WordPress code in the tests context.
This module is a wrapper around the functionalities provided by the WordPress PHPUnit Core test suite, as such it provides the same method and facilities.
The parameters provided to the module duplicate the ones used in the WordPress configuration file: the WPLoader module will not bootstrap WordPress using the wp-config.php file, it will define and use its own WordPress configuration built from the module parameters.

Everything happens in a transaction

When used to bootstrap and install WordPress (loadOnly: false) exactly as the the WordPress PHPUnit Core test suite it is based on, this module will operate any change to the database in a transaction.
This means that, in the context of integration tests, the result of any write or delete operation done during the tests will be rolled back at the end of each test method; this is done for a number of reasons like performance and tests independence.
Inspection of the database during tests, e.g. stopping execution using XDebug, will not show any change in the database. Keep this in mind while trying to debug integration tests using the WPLoader module.
When configured to only load WordPress (loadOnly: true) then any database operation will be committed and written to the database.


  • wpRootFolder required The absolute, or relative to the project root folder, path to the root WordPress installation folder. The WordPress installation root folder is the one that contains the wp-load.php file.
  • dbName required - The name of the database used by the WordPress installation, same as the DB_NAME constant.
  • dbHost required - The host of the database used by the WordPress installation, same as the DB_HOST constant. If the database is accessible (as is the case on the latest version of [Local by Flywheel][]) via unix socket, then the string to insert here should look like this localhost:/path/to/the/mysql.sock.
  • dbUser required - The user of the database used by the WordPress installation, same as the DB_USER constant.
  • dbPassword required - The password of the database used by the WordPress installation, same as DB_PASSWORD constant.
  • loadOnly - defaults to false; whether to only load WordPress, without bootstrapping a fresh installation for tests or not. Read more in the "Using WPLoader in acceptance and functional tests" section. If this parameter is set to true the following parameters will not apply.
  • isolatedInstall - defaults to true, whether to install and bootstrap the WordPress installation in a secondary PHP thread for thread safety or not. Maintained for back-compatibility purposes with wp-browser first versions: to get a replica of the bootstrap process used by WordPress Core PHPUnit tests leave this to true.
  • installationTableHandling - defaults to empty; it controls how tables created by WordPress and plugins will be handled during the installation of WordPress during tests. By default tables will be emptied of any content, but some plugins might require tables to be dropped before WordPress is installed and after plugins are activated (this used to be the default behavior). Supported values are drop to drop the tables, empty to just empty the tables and let to do nothing about the tables. If you get errors from database queries while the WPLoader module installs the tests, then try changing this parameter value.
  • wpDebug - defaults to true, the value the WP_DEBUG constant will be set to.
  • multisite - defaults to false, the value the MULTISITE constant will be set to.
  • skipPluggables - defaults to false, if set to true will skip the definition of pluggable functions.
  • dbCharset - defaults to utf8, the value the DB_CHARSET constant will be set to.
  • dbCollate - defaults to an empty string, the value the DB_COLLATE constant will be set to.
  • tablePrefix - defaults to wptests_, the value the $table_prefix variable will be set to.
  • domain - defaults to, the domain of the WordPress site to scaffold for the tests.
  • adminEmail - defaults to, the email of the WordPress site to scaffold for the tests.
  • title - defaults to Test Blog, the title of the WordPress site to scaffolded for the tests.
  • phpBinary - defaults to php, the PHP binary the host machine will have to use to bootstrap and load the test WordPress installation.
  • language - defaults to an empty string, the language of the WordPress installation to scaffold.
  • configFile - defaults to an empty string, an additional configuration file to include before loading WordPress. Any instruction in this fill will run before any WordPress file is included.
  • contentFolder - defaults to an empty string; the path, relative to the wpRootFolder or absolute, to the content folder if different from the default one or the one defined by the WP_CONTENT_DIR constant; if the WP_CONTENT_DIR constant is defined in a config file (see the configFile parameter) this will be ignored.
  • pluginsFolder - defaults to an empty string; the path, relative to the wpRootFolder or absolute, to the plugins folder from the wpRootFolder if different from the default one or the one defined by the WP_PLUGIN_DIR constant; if the WP_PLUGIN_DIR constant is defined in a config file (see the configFile parameter) this will be ignored.
  • plugins - defaults to an empty array; a list of plugins that should be loaded before any test case runs and after mu-plugins have been loaded; these should be defined in the folder/plugin-file.php format.
  • activateplugins - defaults to an empty array, a list of plugins that will be activated before any test case runs and after wordpress is fully loaded and set up; these should be defined in the folder/plugin-file.php format; when the multisite option is set to true the plugins will be network activated during the installation.
  • activatePluginsSilently - defaults to an empty array, a list of plugins that will be silently activated, thus not firing the plugins' activation actions, before any test case runs and after wordpress is fully loaded and set up; these should be defined in the folder/plugin-file.php format; when the multisite option is set to true the plugins will be network activated during the installation.
  • bootstrapActions - defaults to an empty string, a list of actions, static functions or functions that should be called after before any test case runs, after plugins have been loaded and activated; static functions should be defined in the YAML array format:
        - action_one
        - action_two
        - [MyClass, myStaticMethod]
        - my_function
  • theme - defaults to an empty string, the theme that should be activated for the tests; if a string is passed then both template and stylesheet options will be set to the passed value; if an array is passed then the template and stylesheet will be set in that order:

    theme: my-theme

    The theme will be set to my-theme.

    theme: [ parent, child ]

    The template will be set to parent, the stylesheet will be set to child.

A word of caution: right now the only way to write tests able to take advantage of the suite is to use the WP_UnitTestCase test case class; while the module will load fine and will raise no problems WP_UnitTestCase will take care of handling the database as intended and using another test case class will almost certainly result in an error if the test case defines more than one test method.

Example configuration

          - WPLoader
              multisite: false
              wpRootFolder: "/Users/luca/www/wordpress"
              dbName: "wordpress_tests"
              dbHost: "localhost"
              dbUser: "root"
              dbPassword: "password"
              isolatedInstall: true
              installationTableHandling: drop
              tablePrefix: "wptests_"
              domain: "wordrpess.localhost"
              adminEmail: "admin@wordpress.localhost"
              title: "Test Blog"
              theme: my-theme
              plugins: ['hello.php', 'my-plugin/my-plugin.php']
              activatePlugins: ['hello.php', 'my-plugin/my-plugin.php']

Usage in integration or "WordPress unit" tests

The most common use of this module is to run integration, or "WordPress unit" tests (see levels of testing for more information).

As a first step generate a WPTestCase using Codeception command-line utility (see the commands provided by wp-browser):

codecept generate:wpunit my_suite "Acme\User"

Codeception will generate the tests/my_suite/Acme/UserTest.php class. The class extends the Codeception\TestCase\WPTestCase class provided by wp-browser; this looks like a normal PHPUnit test case but has some perks due to it's mixed breed nature.
Understanding them might help you work with it:

  • WordPress is installed and configured for the tests before the test case is loaded; WordPress defined functions and classes (and those of the plugins and themes loaded with it) will be available in the setUpBeforeClass method.
  • WordPress is not loaded when PHPUnit will call the data provider methods; this means the post_provider method will generate a function not found exception when the test case runs as the WordPress defined methods are not loaded yet:
    public function post_provider(){
            // `wp_insert_post` is loaded with WordPress and WordPress has not been loaded yet!
            return [
                    [wp_insert_post(['post_title' => 'Test', 'post_status' => 'publish'])]
    public function test_posts($post_id){
            $this->assertInstanceOf(WP_Post::class, get_post($post_id));
  • WordPress is reset to an initial known state before each test runs; the database transaction is rolled back to wipe any data and tables you might have manipulated in the tests, the global space is cleaned. See Everything happens in a transaction.
  • This is a Codeception Unit test, as such it does provide access to the $this->tester property to access the methods defined in other modules loaded in the suite and to Codeception test doubles
  • This is a PhpUnit test case too; there are way too many testing functions to cover to report them here but, to highlight a few: mocking with Prophecy and the wealth of PHPUnit assertion methods.
  • This is kind of a WordPress Core suite test case; as such it provides access to its functions and to the often-overlooked static::factory() method; in this instance too there are too many methods to list them all but it's worth noting how easy it is to set up test fixtures with the factory:
    public function test_post_creation(){
            $random_post_id = static::factory()->post->create();
            $this->assertInstanceOf(WP_Post::class, get_post($random_post_id));
  • The factory property can be accessed on the tester property too and will work the same way as if called using static::factory():
    public function test_post_creation(){
            $random_post_id = $this->tester->factory()->post->create();
            $this->assertInstanceOf(WP_Post::class, get_post($random_post_id));

WPLoader to only bootstrap WordPress

If the need is to just bootstrap the WordPress installation in the context of the tests variable scope then the WPLoader module loadOnly parameter should be set to true; this could be the case for functional tests in need to access WordPress provided methods, functions and values.
An example configuration for the module in this mode is this one:

          - WPDb # BEFORE the WPLoader one!
          - WPLoader # AFTER the WPDb one!
              dsn: 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=wordpress'
              user: 'root'
              password: 'password'
              dump: 'tests/_data/dump.sql'
              populate: true
              cleanup: true
              waitlock: 10
              url: 'http://wordpress.localhost'
              urlReplacement: true
              tablePrefix: 'wp_'
              loadOnly: true 
              wpRootFolder: "/Users/User/www/wordpress"
              dbName: "wpress-tests"
              dbHost: "localhost"
              dbUser: "root"
              dbPassword: "root"
              domain: "wordpress.localhost"

With reference to the table above the module will not take care of the test WordPress installation state before and after the tests, the installed and activated plugins, and theme.
The module can be used in conjunction with a WPDb module to provide the tests with a WordPress installation suiting the tests at hand; when doing so please take care to list, in the suite configuration file modules section (see example above) the WPDb module before the WPLoader one.
Codeception will initialize the modules in the same order they are listed in the modules section of the suite configuration file and the WPLoader module needs the database to be populated by the WPDb module before it runs! As an example this is a correct suite configuration:

      - WPDb # this before...
      - WPLoader # ...this one.
        # ...
        loadOnly: true
        # ... 

Public API


Debugs a single WordPress action final call using Codeception debug functions. The output will show following the selected output verbosity (--debug and -vvv CLI options).

// Start debugging all WordPress actions final value.
  add_action('all', [$this,'debugWpActionFinal']);
  // Run some code firing actions and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress actions final value.
  remove_action('all', [$this,'debugWpActionFinal']);


  • mixed $args


Debugs a single WordPress action initial call using Codeception debug functions. The output will show following the selected output verbosity (--debug and -vvv CLI options).

// Start debugging all WordPress actions initial value.
  add_action('all', [$this,'debugWpActionInitial']);
  // Run some code firing actions and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress actions initial value.
  remove_action('all', [$this,'debugWpActionInitial']);


  • mixed $args


Debugs a single WordPress filter final call using Codeception debug functions. The output will show following the selected output verbosity (--debug and -vvv CLI options).

// Start debugging all WordPress filters final value.
  add_filter('all', [$this,'debugWpFilterFinal']);
  // Run some code firing filters and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress filters final value.
  remove_filter('all', [$this,'debugWpFilterFinal']);


  • mixed $args


Debugs a single WordPress filter initial call using Codeception debug functions. The output will show following the selected output verbosity (--debug and -vvv CLI options).

// Start debugging all WordPress filters initial value.
  add_filter('all', [$this,'debugWpFilterInitial']);
  // Run some code firing filters and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress filters initial value.
  remove_filter('all', [$this,'debugWpFilterInitial']);


  • mixed $args


Accessor method to get the object storing the factories for things. This methods gives access to the same factories provided by the Core test suite.

$postId = $I->factory()->post->create();
  $userId = $I->factory()->user->create(['role' => 'administrator']);


Returns the absolute path to the WordPress content directory.

$content = $this->getContentFolder();
  $themes = $this->getContentFolder('themes');
  $twentytwenty = $this->getContentFolder('themes/twentytwenty');


  • string $path - An optional path to append to the content directory absolute path.


Returns the absolute path to the plugins directory. The value will first look at the WP_PLUGIN_DIR constant, then the pluginsFolder configuration parameter and will, finally, look in the default path from the WordPress root directory.

$plugins = $this->getPluginsFolder();
  $hello = $this->getPluginsFolder('hello.php');


  • string $path - A relative path to append to te plugins directory absolute path.


Starts the debug of all WordPress filters and actions. The method hook on all filters and actions to debug their value.

// Start debugging all WordPress filters and action final and initial values.
  // Run some code firing filters and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress filters and action final and initial values.
  the array of arguments as input.


  • \callable $format - A callback function to format the arguments debug output; the callback will receive


Stops the debug of all WordPress filters and actions.

// Start debugging all WordPress filters and action final and initial values.
  // Run some code firing filters and debug them.
  // Stop debugging all WordPress filters and action final and initial values.

This class extends \Codeception\Module