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WPQueries module

This module provides assertions for WordPress queries.

This module can be used in any test context where the global $wpdb variable is defined, this usually means in any suite where the WPLoader module is used.


The method does not require configuration.


The module provides the following methods:


Signature: assertCountQueries(int $n, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries have been made.

$posts = $this->factory()->post->create_many(3);
$cachedUsers = $this->factory()->user->create_many(2);
$nonCachedUsers = $this->factory()->user->create_many(2);
foreach($cachedUsers as $userId){
     wp_cache_set('page-posts-for-user-' . $userId, $posts, 'acme');
// Run the same query as different users
foreach(array_merge($cachedUsers, $nonCachedUsers) as $userId){
     $pagePosts = $plugin->getPagePostsForUser($userId);
$I->assertCountQueries(2, 'A query should be made for each user missing cached posts.')


Signature: assertNotQueries([string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$posts = $this->factory()->post->create_many(3);
wp_cache_set('page-posts', $posts, 'acme');
$pagePosts = $plugin->getPagePosts();
$I->assertNotQueries('Queries should not be made if the cache is set.')


Signature: assertNotQueriesByAction(string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made as a consequence of the specified action.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );


Signature: assertNotQueriesByFilter(string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made as a consequence of the specified filter.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($notABookId)->post_title, $notABookId);


Signature: assertNotQueriesByFunction(string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made by the specified function.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.



Signature: assertNotQueriesByMethod(string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries have been made by the specified class method.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$options = new Acme\Options();
$options->update('adsSource', '');
$I->assertNotQueriesByMethod('Acme\Options', 'update');


Signature: assertNotQueriesByStatement(string $statement, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries have been made by the specified class method.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$bookRepository = new Acme\BookRepository();
$repository->where('ID', 23)->set('title', 'Peter Pan', $deferred = true);
$this->assertNotQueriesByStatement('INSERT', 'Deferred write should happen on __destruct');


Signature: assertNotQueriesByStatementAndAction(string $statement, string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made as a consequence of the specified action containing the SQL query.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );
$this->assertNotQueriesByStatementAndAction('DELETE', 'delete_post');


Signature: assertNotQueriesByStatementAndFilter(string $statement, string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made as a consequence of the specified filter containing the specified SQL query.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($notABookId)->post_title, $notABookId);
$this->assertNotQueriesByStatementAndFilter('SELECT', 'the_title');


Signature: assertNotQueriesByStatementAndFunction(string $statement, string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made by the specified function starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

wp_insert_post(['ID' => $bookId, 'post_title' => 'The Call of the Wild']);
$this->assertNotQueriesByStatementAndFunction('INSERT', 'wp_insert_post');
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndFunction('UPDATE', 'wp_insert_post');


Signature: assertNotQueriesByStatementAndMethod(string $statement, string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that no queries were made by the specified class method starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

Acme\BookRepository::new(['title' => 'Alice in Wonderland'])->commit();
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndMethod('INSERT', Acme\BookRepository::class, 'commit');


Signature: assertQueries([string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query was made during the test.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

wp_cache_delete('page-posts', 'acme');
$pagePosts = $plugin->getPagePosts();
$I->assertQueries('Queries should be made to set the cache.')


Signature: assertQueriesByAction(string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query was made as a consequence of the specified action.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookId, 'post_title' => 'New Title']);


Signature: assertQueriesByFilter(string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query was made as a consequence of the specified filter.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookId)->post_title, $bookId);


Signature: assertQueriesByFunction(string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that queries were made by the specified function.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.



Signature: assertQueriesByMethod(string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query has been made by the specified class method.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$options = new Acme\Options();
$options->update('showAds', false);
$I->assertQueriesByMethod('Acme\Options', 'update');


Signature: assertQueriesByStatement(string $statement, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least a query starting with the specified statement was made.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.



Signature: assertQueriesByStatementAndAction(string $statement, string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query was made as a consequence of the specified action containing the SQL query.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookId, 'post_title' => 'New']);
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndAction('UPDATE', 'edit_post');


Signature: assertQueriesByStatementAndFilter(string $statement, string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that at least one query was made as a consequence of the specified filter containing the SQL query.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookId)->post_title, $bookId);
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndFilter('SELECT', 'the_title');


Signature: assertQueriesByStatementAndFunction(string $statement, string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that queries were made by the specified function starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

wp_insert_post(['post_type' => 'book', 'post_title' => 'Alice in Wonderland']);
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndFunction('INSERT', 'wp_insert_post');


Signature: assertQueriesByStatementAndMethod(string $statement, string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that queries were made by the specified class method starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

Acme\BookRepository::new(['title' => 'Alice in Wonderland'])->commit();
$this->assertQueriesByStatementAndMethod('UPDATE', Acme\BookRepository::class, 'commit');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByAction(int $n, string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made as a consequence of the specified action.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookOneId, 'post_title' => 'One']);
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookTwoId, 'post_title' => 'Two']);
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookThreeId, 'post_title' => 'Three']);
$this->assertQueriesCountByAction(3, 'edit_post');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByFilter(int $n, string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made as a consequence of the specified filter.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookOneId)->post_title, $bookOneId);
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($notABookId)->post_title, $notABookId);
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookTwoId)->post_title, $bookTwoId);
$this->assertQueriesCountByFilter(2, 'the_title');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByFunction(int $n, string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made by the specified function.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$this->assertCount(3, Acme\get_orphaned_posts());
$this->assertQueriesCountByFunction(3, 'Acme\delete_orphaned_posts');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByMethod(int $n, string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries have been made by the specified class method.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$bookRepository = new Acme\BookRepository();
$repository->where('ID', 23)->commit('title', 'Peter Pan');
$repository->where('ID', 89)->commit('title', 'Moby-dick');
$repository->where('ID', 2389)->commit('title', 'The call of the wild');
$this->assertQueriesCountByMethod(3, 'Acme\BookRepository', 'commit');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByStatement(int $n, string $statement, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries starting with the specified statement were made.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

$bookRepository = new Acme\BookRepository();
$repository->where('ID', 23)->set('title', 'Peter Pan', $deferred = true);
$repository->where('ID', 89)->set('title', 'Moby-dick', $deferred = true);
$repository->where('ID', 2389)->set('title', 'The call of the wild', $deferred = false);
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatement(1, 'INSERT', 'Deferred write should happen on __destruct');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByStatementAndAction(int $n, string $statement, string $action, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made as a consequence of the specified action containing the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_action( 'edit_post', function($postId){
        $count = get_option('acme_title_updates_count');
        update_option('acme_title_updates_count', ++$count);
} );
wp_update_post(['ID' => $bookThreeId, 'post_title' => 'New']);
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatementAndAction(2, 'DELETE', 'delete_post');
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatementAndAction(1, 'INSERT', 'edit_post');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByStatementAndFilter(int $n, string $statement, string $filter, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made as a consequence of the specified filter containing the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

add_filter('the_title', function($title, $postId){
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if($post->post_type !== 'book'){
         return $title;
     $new = get_option('acme_new_prefix');
     return "{$new} - " . $title;
// Warm up the cache.
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookOneId)->post_title, $bookOneId);
// Cache is warmed up now.
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookTwoId)->post_title, $bookTwoId);
$title = apply_filters('the_title', get_post($bookThreeId)->post_title, $bookThreeId);
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatementAndFilter(1, 'SELECT', 'the_title');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByStatementAndFunction(int $n, string $statement, string $function, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made by the specified function starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

wp_insert_post(['post_type' => 'book', 'post_title' => 'The Call of the Wild']);
wp_insert_post(['post_type' => 'book', 'post_title' => 'Alice in Wonderland']);
wp_insert_post(['post_type' => 'book', 'post_title' => 'The Chocolate Factory']);
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatementAndFunction(3, 'INSERT', 'wp_insert_post');


Signature: assertQueriesCountByStatementAndMethod(int $n, string $statement, string $class, string $method, [string $message]) : void

Asserts that n queries were made by the specified class method starting with the specified SQL statement.

Queries generated by setUp, tearDown and factory methods are excluded by default.

Acme\BookRepository::new(['title' => 'Alice in Wonderland'])->commit();
Acme\BookRepository::new(['title' => 'Moby-Dick'])->commit();
Acme\BookRepository::new(['title' => 'The Call of the Wild'])->commit();
$this->assertQueriesCountByStatementAndMethod(3, 'INSERT', Acme\BookRepository::class, 'commit');


Signature: countQueries([?wpdb $wpdb]) : int

Returns the current number of queries. Set-up and tear-down queries performed by the test case are filtered out.

// In a WPTestCase, using the global $wpdb object.
$queriesCount = $this->queries()->countQueries();
// In a WPTestCase, using a custom $wpdb object.
$queriesCount = $this->queries()->countQueries($customWdbb);


Signature: getQueries([?wpdb $wpdb]) : array

Returns the queries currently performed by the global database object or the specified one. Set-up and tear-down queries performed by the test case are filtered out.

// In a WPTestCase, using the global $wpdb object.
$queries = $this->queries()->getQueries();
// In a WPTestCase, using a custom $wpdb object.
$queries = $this->queries()->getQueries($customWdbb);