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UopzFunctions trait

This trait provides a set of methods to manipulate functions, methods and class attributes using the uopz PHP extension.


This test trait requires the uopz PHP extension.

See the Installing the extension locally section of this page for more information about how to do that.
If you need to install the extension in a CI environment, see the Installing the extension in CI section of this page.

If the uopz extension is not installed, test methods using methods from the UopzFunctions trait will be marked as skipped.

Why require an extension?

Why use a PHP extension instead of a user-land solution, i.e. a PHP library that does not require installing an extension?

I've written such a solution myself, function-mocker, but have grown frustrated with its limitations, and the limitation of other similar solutions.

All user-land, monkey-patching, pure PHP solutions rely on stream-wrapping.
This is a very powerful feature that this project uses for some of its functionality, but it has a drawbacks when used extensively for monkey-patching functions and methods:

  • the files patch must be included after the library loaded
  • the files have to patched, or patched and cached, on each run
  • there are some random and difficult to track issues introduced by how function and method patching works; e.g. functions manipulating values by reference will not work as expected
  • some constants like __METHOD__ and __FUNCTION__ will not work as expected in the patched files
  • monkey-patching code will be "inserted" in the function stack, lengthening the stack trace and making it very difficult to debug
  • all this processing together with XDebug spells doom for the performance of the test suite

The uopz extension is a solid and fast solution that has been created and maintained by people that know PHP internals and the PHP language very well that has none of the drawbacks of the above-mentioned solutions.

It is just a better tool for the job.

Installing the extension locally

  • Locate your php.ini file:
    php --ini
  • Download the latest DLL stable version of the extension from the releases page. You'll likely need the NTS x64 version.
  • Unzip the file and copy the php_uopz.dll file to the ext folder of your PHP installation. If your php.ini file is located at C:\tools\php81\php.ini, the extensions directory will be located at C:\tools\php81\ext.
  • Edit your php.ini file and add the following line to enable and configure the extension:
  • Make sure the extension is correctly installed by running php -m and making sure the uopz extension appears in the list of extensions.

You can find more information about installing PHP extensions on Windows in the PHP manual and in the uopz extension install guide.

  • Use the pecl command to install the extension:
    pecl install uopz
  • Configure the extension to ensure it will allow exit and die calls to terminate the script execution.
    Add the following line to either the main PHP configuration file (php.ini), or a dedicated configuration file:
  • Make sure the extension is correctly installed by running php -m and making sure the uopz extension appears in the list of extensions.

Alternatively, you can build the extension from source as detailed in the uopz extension install guide.

  • Use the pecl command to install the extension:
    pecl install uopz
  • Configure the extension to ensure it will allow exit and die calls to terminate the script execution.
    Add the following line to either the main PHP configuration file (php.ini), or a dedicated configuration file:
  • Make sure the extension is correctly installed by running php -m and making sure the uopz extension appears in the list of extensions.

Alternatively, you can build the extension from source as detailed in the uopz extension install guide.

Installing the extension in CI

Depending on your Continuous Integration (CI) solution of choice, the configuration required to install and set up the uopz extensions will be different.

As an example, here is how you can set up the uopz extension in a GitHub Actions job:

- name: Setup PHP 8.1 with uopz
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
  php-version: 8.1
  extensions: uopz
  ini-values: uopz.exit=1

This project uses the very same setup.

Most CI systems are based on Linux OSes: if you're not using GitHub Actions, you can reference to the Linux local installation instructions to set up and install the extension for your CI solution of choice.


Include the UopzFunctions trait in your test class and use the methods provided by the trait to manipulate functions, methods and class attributes.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\WPTestCase;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_mock_wp_create_nonce()
        $this->setFunctionReturn('wp_create_nonce', 'super-secret-nonce');

        $this->assertEquals('super-secret-nonce', wp_create_nonce('some-action'));

The trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.

You can use the UopzFunctions trait in test cases extending the PHUnit\Framework\TestCase class as well:


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;

class MyTest extends TestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_mock_my_function()
        $this->setFunctionReturn('someFunction', 'mocked-value');

        $this->assertEquals('mocked-value', someFunction());


The UopzFunctions trait provides the following methods:


setFunctionReturn(string $function, mixed $value, bool $execute = false): void

Set the return value for the function $function to $value.

If $value is a closure and $execute is true, then the return value will be the return value of the closure.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_function_return()
        $this->setFunctionReturn('wp_generate_nonce', 'super-secret-nonce');

        $this->assertEquals('super-secret-nonce', wp_create_nonce('some-action'));

If $value is a closure, the original function can be called within the closure to relay the original return value:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_function_return_with_closure()
            fn(string $action) => $action === 'test' ? 'test-nonce' : wp_create_nonce($action),

        $this->assertEquals('test-nonce', wp_create_nonce('test'));
        $this->assertNotEquals('test-nonce', wp_create_nonce('some-other-action'));


unsetFunctionReturn(string $function): void

Unset the return value for the function $function previously set with setFunctionReturn.

You do not need to unset the return value for a function that was set with setFunctionReturn using unsetFunctionReturn explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setMethodReturn(string $class, string $method, mixed $value, bool $execute = false): void

Sets the return value for the static or instance method $method of the class $class to $value.

If $value is a closure and $execute is true, then the return value will be the return value of the closure.

Magic methods like __construct, __destruct, __call and so on cannot be mocked using this method. See the setClassMock method for more information about how to mock magic class methods.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class SomeLegacyClass {
    public static function staticMethod(){
        return 'some-static-value';

    public function instanceMethod(){
        return 'some-instance-value';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_method_return()
        $this->setMethodReturn(SomeLegacyClass::class, 'staticMethod', 'STATIC');
        $this->setMethodReturn(SomeLegacyClass::class, 'instanceMethod', 'TEST');

        $legacyClass = new SomeLegacyClass();

        $this->assertEquals('STATIC', SomeLegacyClass::staticMethod());
        $this->assertEquals('TEST', $legacyClass->instanceMethod());

If $value is a closure, the original static or instance method can be called within the closure, with correctly bound self and $this context, to relay the original return value:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class SomeLegacyClass {
    public static function raiseStaticFlag(bool $flag = false){
        return $flag ? 'static-flag-raised' : 'static-flag-lowered';

    public function raiseFlag(bool $flag = false){
        return $flag ? 'flag-raised' : 'flag-lowered';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_method_return_with_closure()
            fn(bool $flag) => $flag ? 'STATIC' : self::raiseStaticFlag($flag),
            fn(bool $flag) => $flag ? 'TEST' : $this->raiseFlag($flag),

        $legacyClass = new SomeLegacyClass();

        $this->assertEquals('STATIC', SomeLegacyClass::raiseStaticFlag(true));
        $this->assertEquals('static-flag-lowered', SomeLegacyClass::raiseStaticFlag(false));
        $this->assertEquals('TEST', $legacyClass->raiseFlag(true));
        $this->assertEquals('flag-lowered', $legacyClass->raiseFlag(false));


unsetmethodreturn(string $class, string $method): void

Unset the return value for the static or instance method $method of the class $class previously set with setMethodReturn.

You do not need to unset the return value for a method that was set with setMethodReturn using unsetMethodReturn explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setFunctionHook(string $function, Closure $hook): void

Execute $hook when entering the function $function.

Hooks can be set on both internal and user-defined functions.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_hook()
        $log = [];
            function($header, bool $replace = true, int $response_code = 0) use (&$log): void {
                $log[] = $header;

        header('X-Plugin-Version: 1.0.0');
        header('X-Plugin-REST-Enabled: 1');
        header('X-Plugin-GraphQL-Enabled: 0');

                'X-Plugin-Version' => '1.0.0',
                'X-Plugin-REST-Enabled' => '1',
                'X-Plugin-GraphQL-Enabled' => '0'
        ], $log);


unsetFunctionHook(string $function): void

Unset the hook for the function $function previously set with setFunctionHook.

You do not need to unset the hook for a function that was set with setFunctionHook using unsetFunctionHook explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setMethodHook(string $class, string $method, Closure $hook): void

Execute $hook when entering the static or instance method $method of the class $class.

The keywords self and $this will be correctly bound to the class and the class instance respectively.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class LegacyApiController {
    private static array $connections = [];
    private ?array $cachedItems = null;

    public static function connect(): self {
        $connected = new self;
        self::$connections[] = $connected;
        return $connected;

    public function getItems(int $count, int $from = 0): array {
        if($this->cachedItems === null){
            $this->cachedItems = wp_remote_get('');

        return array_slice($this->cachedItems, $from, $count);

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_method_hook()
        $connections = 0;
            function() use (&$connections): void {
                $connections  = count(self::$connections) + 1;
        $itemsCacheHits = 0;
            function(int $count, int $from = 0) use (&$itemsCacheHit): bool {
                if($this->cachedItems !== null){

        $connectedController1 = LegacyApiController::connect();
        $connectedController2 = LegacyApiController::connect();
        $connectedController1->getItems(10, 0);
        $connectedController1->getItems(10, 10);
        $connectedController2->getItems(10, 0);
        $connectedController2->getItems(10, 10);

        $this->assertEquals(2, $connections);
        $this->assertEquals(4, $itemsCacheHits);


unsetMethodHook(string $class, string $method): void

Unset the hook for the static or instance method $method of the class $class previously set with setMethodHook.

You do not need to unset the hook for a method that was set with seMethodHook using unsetClassMethodHook explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setConstant(string $constant, mixed $value): void

Set the constant $constant to the value $value.

If the constant is not already defined, it will be defined and set to the value $value.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_constant()
        $this->setconstant('WP_ADMIN', true);
        $this->setconstant('TEST_CONST', 23);

        $this->assertEquals(23, TEST_CONST);


unsetConstant(string $constant): void

Unset an existing constant or restores the original value of the constant if set with setConstant.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_unset_constant()
        // The test is starting in Admin context.



You do not need to undefine a constant defined with setConstant using unsetConstant explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setClassConstant(string $class, string $constant, mixed $value): void

Set the constant $constant of the class $class to the value $value.

If the class constant is not already defined, it will be defined and set to the value $value.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyPlugin {
    const VERSION = '89.0.0';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_class_constant()
        $this->setClassConstant(MyPlugin::class, 'VERSION', '23.89.0');
        $this->setClassConstant(MyPlugin::class, 'NOT_EXISTING', 'TEST');

        $this->assertEquals('23.89.0', MyPlugin::VERSION);
        $this->assertEquals('TEST', MyPlugin::NOT_EXISTING);


unsetClassConstant(string $class, string $constant): void

Restore the constant $constant of the class $class to its original value or removes it if it was not defined.

You do not need to undefine a constant defined with setClassConstant using undefineClassConstant explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setClassMock(string $class, string|object $mock): void

Use $mock instead of $class when creating new instances of the class $class.

This method allows you to override magic methods as well as you would do with a normal class extension.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MockPaymentApi extends PaymentApi {
    public static function version($name, $arguments){
        return '23.89.0';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_class_mock()
        $this->setClassMock(PaymentApi::class, MockPaymentApi::class);

        $paymentApi = new PaymentApi();
        $this->assertInstanceOf(MyPluginMock::class, $paymentApi);
        $this->assertSame('23.89.0', $paymentApi::version());

If you set the $mock to an object, then the same mock object will be used for all the new instances of the class $class:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MockPaymentApi extends PaymentApi {
    public function getIds($name, $arguments){
        return [1, 23, 89];

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_class_mock()
        $mockPaymentApi = new MockPaymentApi();

        $this->setClassMock(PaymentApi::class, $mockPaymentApi);

        $api1 = new PaymentApi();
        $this->assertSame($mockPaymentApi, $api1);
        $this->assertSame([1, 23, 89], $api1->getIds());
        $api2 = new PaymentApi();
        $this->assertSame($mockPaymentApi, $api2);
        $this->assertSame([1, 23, 89], $api2->getIds());

The $mock class, or instance, is not required to be a subclass of the class $class by the trait; although it might be required from the code you're testing by means of type hinting.

If the class or method you would like to set a mock for is final, then you can combine this method with the unsetClassFinalAttribute and unsetMethodFinalAttribute methods to avoid the final attribute being set on the class:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

final class LegacyPaymentApi {
    public function getIds(){
        // ... fetch ids from a real external API ...

class LegacyCacheController {
    protected final function get(string $key){
        // ... fetch data from a real cache ...

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_class_mock()
        $mockPaymentApi = new class extends LegacyPaymentApi {
            public function getIds(){
                return [1, 23, 89];
        $this->setClassMock(LegacyPaymentApi::class, $mockPaymentApi);
        $this->unsetMethodFinalAttribute(LegacyCacheController::class, 'get');
        $mockCacheController = new class extends LegacyCacheController {
            public function get(string $key){
                return 'some-value';

        $paymentApi = new LegacyPaymentApi();

        $this->assertSame($mockPaymentApi, $paymentApi);
        $this->assertSame([1, 23, 89], $paymentApi->getIds());

        $cacheController = new LegacyCacheController();

        $this->assertSame($mockCacheController, $cacheController);
        $this->assertSame('some-value', $cacheController->get('some-key'));


unsetClassMock(string $class): void

Remove the mock for the class $class previously set with setMock.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_unset_class_mock()
        $this->setClassMock(MyPlugin::class, new MyPluginMock());

        $this->assertInstanceOf(MyPluginMock::class, new MyPlugin());


        $this->assertInstanceOf(MyPlugin::class, new MyPlugin());

You do not need to unset the mock for a class that was set with setClassMock using unsetClassMock explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


unsetClassFinalAttribute(string $class): void

Remove the final attribute from the class $class.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

final class LegacyPaymentApi {}

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_remove_class_final_attribute()
        $post = static::factory()->post->createAndGet();


        // The class is not final anymore; it can be extended for testing purposes.
        $mockPaymentApi = new class extends LegacyPaymentApi {
            public function getIds(){
                return [1, 23, 89];

        $this->assertSame([1, 23, 89], $mockPaymentApi->getIds());


resetClassFinalAttribute(string $class): void

Reset the final attribute of the class $class previously removed with the unsetClassFinalAttribute method.

You do not need to restore the class final attribute for a class that was set with unsetClassFinalAttribute using setClassFinalAttribute explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


unsetMethodFinalAttribute(string $class, string $method): void

Remove the final attribute from the static or instance method $method of the class $class.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_remove_method_final_attribute()
        $this->unsetMethodFinalAttribute(LegacyAjaxController::class, 'printResponseAndExit');

        // Build a class to avoid the `printResponseAndExit` method from exiting.
        $testLegacyAdminController = new class extends LegacyAjaxController {
            public string $response = '';

            public function printResponseAndExit(){
                $this->response = $this->template->render('list', return: true);

        // Set up things for the test ...


        $this->assertEquals('<ul><li>Item One</li><li>Item Two</li></ul>', $testLegacyAjaxController->response);


restoreMethodFinalAttribute(string $class, string $method): void

Restore the final attribute of the method static or instance $method of the class $class previously removed with the unsetMethodFinalAttribute method.

You do not need to restore the method final attribute for a method that was set with unsetMethodFinalAttribute using restoreMethodFinalAttribute explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


addClassMethod(string $class, string $method, Closure $closure, bool $static = false): void

Add a public static ($static = true) or instance ($static = false) method to the class $class with the name $method and the code provided by the closure $closure.

Differently from the setClassMock method, this method will work on already existing instances of the class $class, not just new instances.

The closure $this will be bound to the class instance.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class LegacySingletonController {
    private static $instance;
    private array $cache = null;
    private int $cacheCount = 0;

    public static function getInstance(){
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;

    public function getItems(int $count, int $from = 0){
        if($this->cache === null){
            $this->cache = wp_remote_get('');
            $this->cacheCount = count($cache);

        return array_slice($this->cache, $from, $count);

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_add_class_method()
        $controller = LegacySingletonController::getInstance();

            function(array $cache): void {
                $this->cache = $cache;
                $this->cacheCount = count($cache);

        // Set the singletong instance cache for testing purposes.

        $this->assertEquals([1,2,3], $controller->getItems(3, 0));


removeClassMethod(string $class, string $method): void

Remove the static or instance method $method added with addClassMethod from the class $class.

You do not need to remove a method added with addClassMethod, or addClassStaticMethod, using removeClassMethod explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


setObjectProperty(string|object $classOrObject, string $property, mixed $value): void

If $classOrInstance is a string, set the property $property of the class $classOrObject to the value $value. If $classOrInstance is an object, set the property $property of the object $classOrObject to the value $value.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class Payment {
    private string $uuid;
    private string $from;
    private string $to;

    public function __construct(string $from, $string $to){
        $this->uuid = UUID::generate();

    public function getHash(): string {
        return wp_hash(serialize([
            'uuid' => $this->uuid
            'from' => $this->from,
            'to' => $this->to

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_object_property()
        $payment = new Payment('Bob', 'Alice');

        $this->setObjectProperty($payment, 'uuid', '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000');

            'uuid' => '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000',
            'from' => 'Bob',
            'to' => 'Alice'
        ])), $payment->getHash());

You do not need to reset the property of an object that was set with setObjectProperty explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


getObjectProperty(object $object, string $property): mixed

Get the value of the static or instance property $property of the object $object.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class LegacyController {
    private Template $template;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->template = new Template();

    // ...

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_get_object_property()
        $controller = new LegacyController();

        $templateEngine $this->getObjectProperty($controller, 'template'));

        // ... do something with the template ...


resetObjectProperty(string|object $classOrObject, string $property): void

Reset the property $property of the class $class or object $object to its original value.

You do not need to reset the property of an object that was set with setObjectProperty explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


getMethodStaticVariables(string $class, string $method): array

Get the value of the static variables of the class $class and method $method.

The method will work for both static and instance methods of the class $class.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class RequestLogger {
    public function log(int $code, string $response):void {
        static $requestId;

        if($requestId === null){
            $requestId = md5(microtime());

        printf("Request %s: %d %s\n", $requestId, $code, $response);

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_get_class_method_static_variables()
        $requestLogger = new RequestLogger();

        $requestLogger->log(200, 'OK');
        $requestLogger->log(403, 'Forbidden');
        $requestLogger->log(200, 'OK');
        $buffer = ob_get_clean();

        $requestId = $this->getClassMethodStaticVariables(RequestLogger::class, 'log')['requestId'];

        $this->assertEquals("Request $requestId: 200 OK\nRequest $requestId: 403 Forbidden\nRequest $requestId: 200 OK\n", $buffer);


setMethodStaticVariables(string $class, string $method, array $values): void

Set the static variablesof the class $class and method $method to the values $values.

This will work on both static and instance methods.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class ListComponent {
    public function render(){
        static $hash;

            $hash = md5(microtime());

        return '<ul screen=' . $hash . '><li>Item One</li><li>Item Two</li></ul>';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_class_method_static_variables()
        $newValues = array_merge(
            $this->getMethodStaticVariables(ListComponent::class, 'render'),
            ['hash' => 'some-hash']
        $this->setClassMethodStaticVariables( ListComponent::class, 'render', [
          'hash' => 'some-hash'

        $component = new ListComponent();

            '<ul data-screen="some-hash"><li>Item One</li><li>Item Two</li></ul>', 

You do not need to reset the static variable of a class method that was set with setMethodStaticVariables explicitly using resetMethodStaticVariables explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


resetMethodStaticVariables(string $class, string $method): void

Resets the static variables of the class $class method $method to their original values.


setFunctionStaticVariables(string $function, string $variable, mixed $value): void

Set the static variable $variable of the function $function to the value $value.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

function renderScreen(): string{
    static $rendered;


    $html = '<p>Some HTML</p>';

    $rendered = true;

    return $html;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_function_static_variables()
        $this->setFunctionStaticVariables('renderScreen', ['rendered' => false]);

        $this->assertEquals('<p>Some HTML</p>', renderScreen());

You do not need to reset the value of a function static variable set using the resetFunctionStaticVariables method explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


getFunctionStaticVariables(string $function, ): array

Get the value of the static variable $variable of the function $function.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

function renderScreen(): string {
    static $screenHash;

        $screenHash = md5(microtime());

    return '<p data-screen="' . $screenHash . '">Some HTML</p>';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_set_function_static_variables()
        $screenHash = $this->getFunctionStaticVariables('renderScreen')['screenHash'];

        $this->assertEquals('<p data-screen="' . $screenHash . '">Some HTML</p>', renderScreen());


resetFunctionStaticVariables(string $function): void

Resets the static variables of the function $function set with the setFunctionStaticVariables method.


addFunction(string $function, Closure $closure): void

Add a global or namespaced function to the current scope.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_add_function()
        $this->addFunction('myGlobalFunction', fn() => 23);
        $this->addFunction('Acme\Project\namespacedFunction', fn() => 89);

        $this->assertEquals(23, myGlobalFunction());
        $this->assertEquals(89, Acme\Project\namespacedFunction());


removeFunction(string $function): void

Removes the global or namespaced function $function from the current scope. This will work for functions defined using the addFunction method or defined elsewhere.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_add_function()
        $this->addFunction('myGlobalFunction', fn() => 23);
        $this->addFunction('Acme\Project\namespacedFunction', fn() => 89);


        // Added with addFunction.


You do not need to remove a function added with addFunction using removeFunction explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.


preventExit(): void

Prevents exit or die calls executed after the method from terminating the PHP process calling exit or die.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Traits\UopzFunctions;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

function printAndDie(): void{
    print 'Some HTML';

class MyTest extends WPTestCase
    use UopzFunctions;

    public function test_can_prevent_exit()

        $buffer = ob_get_clean();

        $this->assertEquals('Some HTML', $buffer);


allowExit(): void

Restores the original behavior of the exit and die functions.

You do not need to restore the exit behavior for a exit that was prevented using preventExit using allowExit explicitly: the trait will take care of cleaning up all the modifications made to the functions, methods and class attributes after each test.