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Isolation Support

This extension provides support for the PHPUnit annotations @runInSeparateProcess and @runTestsInSeparateProcesses, and the PHPUnit attributes (PHPUnit 10+) #[RunInSeparateProcess] and #[RunTestsInSeparateProcesses].
You can read more about these annotations and attributes in the PHPUnit documentation about test isolation.

Codeception does not natively support these annotations and attributes, this extension provides support for them.


You can enable the extension in the Codeception configuration file:

    - "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Extension\\IsolationSupport"

In your tests, you can use the annotations or attributes as you would in a PHPUnit test:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\TestCase\WPTestCase;

class IsolationExampleTest extends WPTestCase {
     * @runInSeparateProcess
    public function test_in_admin_context() {
        define('WP_ADMIN', true);


    public function test_in_admin_context_with_attribute() {
        define('WP_ADMIN', true);


    public function test_constant_is_not_set() {

class RunAllTestsInSeparateProcesses extends WPTestCase {
    public function test_one() {
        definen('TEST_CONST', 'one');

        $this->assertEquals('one', TEST_CONST);

    public function test_two() {
        definen('TEST_CONST', 'two');

        $this->assertEquals('two', TEST_CONST);

Previous versions of the test isolation support required the @backupGlobals disabled annotation to be used when running tests in isolation. This is no longer required.

Isolation support is based around monkey-patching the file at runtime. Look into the monkey:cache:clear and monkey:cache:path commands to manage the monkey-patching cache.