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Dispatcher API

An API to dispatch and subscribe to events fired during tests execution.

Events dispatched by Codeception

You can subscribe to the following events dispatched by Codeception in either the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php), or in a suite bootstrap file (usually tests/<suite>/_bootstrap.php) using the Event Dispatcher Bridge extension:

  • Codeception\Events::SUITE_BEFORE
  • Codeception\Events::SUITE_AFTER
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_START
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_BEFORE
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::STEP_BEFORE
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::STEP_AFTER
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_FAIL
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_ERROR
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_PARSED
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_INCOMPLETE
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_SKIPPED
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_WARNING
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_USELESS
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_SUCCESS
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_AFTER
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_END
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::TEST_FAIL_PRINT
  • CodeceptionventsEvents::RESULT_PRINT_AFTER

In the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php), or the suite bootstrap file (usually tests/<suite>/_bootstrap.php), subscribe to the Codeception events by providing a callback function that will accept different parameters depending on the event being dispatched:


use Codeception\Events;
use Codeception\Event\SuiteEvent
use Codeception\Event\TestEvent;
use Codeception\Event\StepEvent;
use Codeception\Event\PrintResultEvent;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::SUITE_BEFORE, function (SuiteEvent $suiteEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on SUITE BEFORE');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::SUITE_AFTER, function (SuiteEvent $suiteEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on SUITE AFTER');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_START, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST START');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_BEFORE, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST BEFORE');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::STEP_BEFORE, function (StepEvent $stepEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on STEP BEFORE');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::STEP_AFTER, function (StepEvent $stepEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on STEP AFTER');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_FAIL, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST FAIL');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_ERROR, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST ERROR');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_PARSED, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST PARSED');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_INCOMPLETE, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST INCOMPLETE');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_SKIPPED, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST SKIPPED');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_WARNING, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST WARNING');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_USELESS, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST USELESS');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_SUCCESS, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST SUCCESS');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_AFTER, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST AFTER');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_END, function (TestEvent $testEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST END');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::TEST_FAIL_PRINT, function (PrintResultEvent $printResultEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on TEST FAIL PRINT');

Dispatcher::addListener(Events::RESULT_PRINT_AFTER, function (PrintResultEvent $printResultEvent) {
    codecept_debug('Running on RESULT PRINT AFTER');

Events dispatched by wp-browser

The project dispatches its own events, allowing you to subscribe to them to control the test state and execution.
To subscribe to the events dispatched by wp-browser, you do not need to use the Event Dispatcher Bridge extension.

WPLoader Module Events

The WPLoader module will dispatch events during its initialization.


This event fires before WordPress is loaded by the WPLoader module when loadOnly is set to true.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

WordPress is not loaded yet, so you cannot use functions or classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins here.
You can interact with the WordPress installation and use the lucatume\WPBrowser\WordPress\PreloadFilters class to hook on actions and filters that will be fired by WordPress once loaded.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_BEFORE_LOADONLY, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_BEFORE_LOADONLY');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use the PreloadFilters class to hook on WordPress actions and filters.
    PreloadFilters::addFilter('init', fn() => update_option('some_option', 'some_value'));
    PreloadFilters::addFilter('pre_option_some_option', fn() => 'some_value');

This event fires after WordPress is loaded by the WPLoader module when loadOnly is set to true.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

At this point, WordPress has been loaded. You can interact with the WordPress installation using functions and classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_AFTER_LOADONLY, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_LOADONLY');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.    
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use WordPress functions and classes.
    update_option('some_option', 'some_value');

This event fires before WordPress is installed by the WPLoader module when loadOnly is set to false.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

WordPress is not loaded yet, so you cannot use functions or classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins here.
You can interact with the WordPress installation and use the lucatume\WPBrowser\WordPress\PreloadFilters class to hook on actions and filters that will be fired by WordPress once loaded.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_BEFORE_INSTALL, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_BEFORE_INSTALL');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use the PreloadFilters class to hook on WordPress actions and filters.
    PreloadFilters::addFilter('init', fn() => update_option('some_option', 'some_value'));
    PreloadFilters::addFilter('pre_option_some_option', fn() => 'some_value');

This event fires after WordPress is installed by the WPLoader module when loadOnly is set to false.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

At this point, WordPress has been installed and loaded. You can interact with the WordPress installation using functions and classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins. This event fires before dump files specified in the dump configuration parameter of the WPLoader module are imported.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_AFTER_INSTALL, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_INSTALL');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.    
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use WordPress functions and classes.    
    update_option('some_option', 'some_value');

This event fires after WordPress is installed by the WPLoader module when loadOnly is set to false.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

At this point, WordPress has been installed and loaded. You can interact with the WordPress installation using functions and classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_AFTER_INSTALL, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_INSTALL');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.    
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use WordPress functions and classes.
    update_option('some_option', 'some_value');

This event fires after the WPLoader module has finished bootstrapping the WordPress installation and dump files specified in the dump configuration parameter of the WPLoader module are imported.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

You can interact with the WordPress installation using functions and classes defined by WordPress, themes or plugins.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPLoader;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPLoader::EVENT_AFTER_BOOTSTRAP, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPLoader $wpLoader */
    $wpLoader = $event->getOrigin();

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_BOOTSTRAP');

    // Interact with the WordPress installation, its filesystem and database.    
    $installation = $wpLoader->getInstallation();
    $pluginsDir = $installation->getPluginsDir();
    $db = $installation->getDb();

    // Use WordPress functions and classes.
    update_option('some_option', 'some_value');

WPDb Module Events


This event fires after the WPDb module has run its _beforeSuite method.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).

At this point the module has connected to the database, cleaned up and populated the database with the dump files.


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPDb;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPDb::EVENT_BEFORE_SUITE, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPDb $wpDb */
    $wpDb = $event->getOrigin();    

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_BEFORE_SUIT

This event fires before the WPDb module initializes.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPDb;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;

Dispatcher::addListener(WPDb::EVENT_BEFORE_INITIALIZE, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPDb $wpDb */
    $wpDb = $event->getOrigin();    

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_BEFORE_INITIALIZE');

This event fires after the WPDb module has initialized.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;  
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPDb;  
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;  

Dispatcher::addListener(WPDb::EVENT_AFTER_INITIALIZE, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPDb $wpDb */
    $wpDb = $event->getOrigin();    

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_INITIALIZE');

This event fires after the WPDb module has prepared the database setting up some default values for quality-of-life improvements.

Due to order-of-operations, you can hook on this event only in the global bootstrap file (usually tests/_bootstrap.php).


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;  
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPDb;  
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;  

Dispatcher::addListener(WPDb::EVENT_AFTER_DB_PREPARE, function (Event $event) {
    /** @var WPDb $wpDb */
    $wpDb = $event->getOrigin();    

    codecept_debug('Running on EVENT_AFTER_DB_PREPARE');

Dispatching custom events

You can use the Dispatcher::dispatch method to dispatch and subscribe to custom events:


use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Dispatcher;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Events\Event;  

Dispatcher::dispatch('my-event', 'my-origin', ['foo' => 'bar']);

// Some other code...
Dispatcher::addListener('my-event', function (Event $event) {
    $origin = $event->getOrigin();
    $foo = $event->get('foo');
    codecept_debug('Running on my custom event');